by Aurelio Rico Lopez III

forest floor
a discarded matchbox
not much, but it’s home
Aurelio Rico Lopez III is a self-diagnosed scribble junkie from Iloilo City, Philippines. His poems have appeared in various venues such as Mythic Delirium, Star*Line, Sybil’s Garage, Down in the Cellar, Steel Moon Publishing, Tales From the Moonlit Path, Kaleidotrope, Electric Velocipede, Beyond Centauri, and The Shantytown Anomaly. He is also the author of the chapbooks JOLTS and SHOCKS (Sam’s Dot Publishing). You can reach him at thirdylopez2001@yahoo.com.
What inspires you to write and keep writing?
I write because I HAVE to. I have no say on the matter. Writing is in my blood.
nice haiku!
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