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i want my dreams more than yours

i want my dreams more than yours
by Linda M. Crate

i want my dreams more than yours
my temper burns
red and hot
fiery passion of
a dragon heart watch my
bring you chaos,
and i know sometimes i go a
little overboard
but sometimes you're a little too
underboard to satiate
the talons of my lust;
just give me something, anything at all
for me to sink my teeth into—
you rescind to the shadows
refuse to mention
than the weather
as if it could be the only thing you'd ever
be interested in speaking of;
anything deeper
i bring up
you bury further down into the ocean of you,
and while i've always liked swimming
these wings of mine are tired
of fighting against
their nature
so goodbye, once friend—
it is time for me to fly through the mists
of ivory clouds
take tomorrows before they're stolen from me
be the dreamer before someone
snatches me up to
build theirs;
maybe it's selfish,
but i want my dreams more than i want theirs, yours.

* * *

Linda M. Crate is a Pennsylvanian native born in Pittsburgh yet raised in the rural town of Conneautville. She currently resides in Meadville. Her poetry, short stories, articles, and reviews have been published in a myriad of magazines both online and in print. Recently her two chapbooks A Mermaid Crashing Into Dawn (Fowlpox Press - June 2013) and Less Than A Man (The Camel Saloon - January 2014) were published. Her fantasy novel Amethyst Epiphany is forthcoming from Assent Publishing. 

What inspires you to write and keep writing? I have dreams and goals. I am a relentless dream chaser. I want to touch and heal the world with my poetry and other writings. I have so many words in me that I have to get them out. I want to prove the critics wrong, to make something of myself, to show everyone who scoffed at me that they were foolish for doubting my abilities. 

What do you think is the most important part of a fantasy poem? That it not only engages the senses and the imagination, but it also bears some relevance in society or on a personal level that people can relate to.